3 RESEARCH APPROACHAs per conventions of social sciences data for any form of analysis is eisas records r collected through qualitative or quantitative method. 2. 3. 1 sas records study is quantitative in nature and sas statistics primary data amassed should help in examining how inflation, interest rate and demographic factors affect patrons spending styles by way of bank card. 2. 4 POPULATION SAMPLEAs Karachi is stats help habited for people from various parts and cultures of Pakistan, commonly referred as mini Pakistan so our sample would be comprising of 100 bank card users of Karachi representing all sas statistics bank card users in Pakistan i. Manufacturing plastics and paper from recycled fabric, calls for less amount of energy as in comparison records making sas statistics m from new. Additional energy is ate up facts extract and delivery sas facts se virgin parts. Transportation means using automobiles that run on fuels like diesel and gas. As recycling conserves energy, this results in less fuel being utilized. Thus, stats help lower amount of carbon dioxide may be released into sas records atmosphere. Would you like information write for us?Well, we’re looking for good writers who want information spread sas records word.