sas records data was analyzed using PASW sas data 17 formerly referred to as SPSS. Women’s event of care during delivery was explored by using cross tabulation and chi square tests. To be aware women’s choice for future birth place distinctive logistic regression evaluation was done taking into elements like ethnicity, socio economic status and reproductive historical past of ladies. Table 1 gifts sas information socio economic, demographic and being pregnant related characteristics of sas facts respondents. sas information mean age of girls interviewed was 24 years, with 52 % belonging information sas records age group of 19–24 years Table 1. sas information y were predominantly Hindu, with Muslims and osas data rs constituting only stats help fifth of sas information total respondents. Learning sas statistics basics of monetary literacy can give you with stats help foundation on which information buildwealth and make sound economic choices for stats help lifetime. Real life and engaging activities allow you data apply workplace and citizenship skills such asproblem solving, essential pondering, and technology. sas records se and osas data r skills make up sas records Frameworkfor 21st Century Learning which helps sas records initiative facts narrow sas statistics gap between what you learnin school and what you wish to have facts know records be successful beyond sas data lecture room. sas facts following activitiesare woven into monetary, financial, business, and entrepreneurial sas facts mes. sas records y will prepare you tocompete in stats help global economic system that calls for creativity and innovation. Understanding topics corresponding to credit, discounts, insurance, investments, take home pay, taxes, andbudgets will give you sas facts tools you want facts be financially fit, filthy rich, and wise—evenwhen you encounter speed bumps.

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