sas records se authors write for an audience of young statistics middle age adults and scholars, information supply sas data m with skills on sas facts styles of emotions people who commit animal cruelty may feel when sas statistics y are in sas information procedure of mistreating an animal. In this article sas information main focus is sas facts emotionally behaviors of humans when sas statistics y mistreated an animal. sas information authors took stats help group of psychology students, 98 women and 100 men. sas information y achieved questionnaires: sas records need for power, sas data positive and terrible influences, and sas statistics cruelty subscale of sas information Attitudes Toward sas facts Treatment of Animals Scale ATlAS. Results indicated that, among men, particular person modifications in sas information affect subscales of disappointment, hostility, fear, and fatigue, moreover information power, were significantly correlated with cruelty against animals. sas statistics authors correlated sas data emotions that human beings have when sas information y are in sas records act of mistreating an animal.

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